Sample post - Using SQL in R Markdown
This sample post teaches you my preferred approach for authoring new posts that need to execute SQL code. The post includes a table of contents and code highlighting. The post content covers inserting and executing pure SQL code chunks and using R to execute SQL queries.
View the source code on GitHub.
Document metadata
As seen in the source code, the metadata is the information between the ---
markers at the top of the source code. Here is where you specify information such as the document author, date, summary, table of contents, code highlighting scheme, tags, and categories.
The metadata for this document contains the following information in the structure shown:
title: Sample post - Using SQL in R Markdown
summary: This post shows you how to use SQL in an R Markdown document
author: Danny Morris
date: '2021-04-30'
highlight: tango
toc: true
slug: []
Description: ''
Tags: [SQL, SQLite]
Categories: [SQL, SQLite]
DisableComments: no
chunk_output_type: console
Load R packages
I prefer to load all R packages needed for the current document in a single code chunk near the top of the document.
Create and connect to a SQLite database
If you don’t have access to an exisitng SQL database, use SQLite. SQLite is a local, serverless database application. SQLite is perfect for building small apps and practicing SQL.
# create a SQLite db
<- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "mydb.sqlite")
# write the iris dataset to a table named IRIS
dbWriteTable(conn = db, name = "IRIS", value = iris, overwrite = T)
Executing pure SQL code chunks
To insert and execute pure SQL directly inside an R Markdown document, create a sql
code chunk. (</> Code). Make sure you have an active database connection, as shown in the previous code chunk.
SELECT Species, COUNT(1) as CNT
GROUP BY Species
Species | CNT |
setosa | 50 |
versicolor | 50 |
virginica | 50 |
Using R to execute SQL
To use R as a SQL client, use the dbGetQuery()
function from the DBI
R package to execute a SQL query. An active database connection is required. Note the following chunk is an r
code chunk and not sql
. </> Code
DBIconn = db,
statement = "
SELECT Species, COUNT(1) as CNT
GROUP BY Species
## Species CNT
## 1 setosa 50
## 2 versicolor 50
## 3 virginica 50